Friday, August 6, 2010

Where We're At

Yesterday our fearless leaders tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum abandoned us on a noble quest to hike Electric Peak (without mentioning exactly where they were going before they ran off). Although they did not summit, they enjoyed themselves and hiked about fourteen miles.
Meanwhile, back on the ranch... the rest of us meer mortals ate a leisurely breakfast, washed hair in buckets, and cleaned up camp (washed the rocks, swept the gravel, dusted the trees, etc). In late morning we piled into Yuki, fed her and ourselves (gas is for cars, candy is for humans), and then set our sights on Old Faithful. Along the way we stopped at Norris Geyser Basin. There, we met and photographed a real, live Ranger Rick, did a conga line on the boardwalk, nearly became roadkill in the parking lot, and also saw some geysers.

Back to Yuki! We rolled on south to Old Faithful where we staked out some bench spots to play Set while we waited. The people next to us were young adult leaders at their church and knew of Elmbrook. They also thought Reed and Josh were the next best thing since sliced bread. Old Faithful was a little late and gave us quite a few false starts, but eventually we got a pretty good show.

Following that spectacle, Josh sat on a melted Jolly Rancher. Valiantly, he chose to protect Yuki by sitting on a piece of paper towel when we started to drive again. Humorously, the paper towel was stuck to his butt for the rest of the day.

Our drive back to camp took about four hours due to road blocks for bison crossing, real and fake grizzly sightings, painfully ignorant people, mud pots, bathroom breaks, and declines with an 8% grade.

Promptly upon our return, the clouds saw fit to spit on us so tired, damp, and lazy we drove up the hill and had cafeteria food and AMAZING ice cream for dinner. The rain let up and we had a brief and chilly campfire where everyone was assigned their Indian name. Everyone slept very well.

This morning has dawned cool and cloudy. Everyone is breakfasting now and then it is our intention to check out Canyon Falls and swim in Fire Hole something something (the exact name escapes me at the moment, but it is supposed to be like a natural waterslide or something).

Tunes: chirping birds amidst crackling fire

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